June 26, 2023

Transit & Bus Stop Furnishings

Whether you are waiting at a bus stop or just walking by, bus stop furniture plays an important role in the pedestrian experience and in the public’s perception of the service. Street furniture at bus stops and transit centers provides clear visual markers for riders while offering a place for people to comfortably wait. Below we outline some of the common products and uses of site furniture for public transit locations

Picture of Labrobe Sign

Bus Stop Seating

All public transit rides begin and end at a transit stop so effective seating is essential to accommodate the needs of riders. Bus stop benches and other transit station seating can be placed under transit shelters or as standalone furnishings when space doesn’t permit a shelter installation. For benches, you often find flat benches without a backrest as a space-saving option that provides versatility in seating direction.

Picture of Labrobe Sign

Picture of Labrobe Sign

Benches with a backrest provide additional comfort to suit the needs and usage of your facilities. In any case, including center arms to delineate space and prevent long-term lounging is common at bus stop locations.

Picture of Labrobe Sign

Picture of Labrobe Sign

Leaning Rails

When space is very limited but you want to offer some type of resting solution, leaning rails for transit stations provide the perfect place for pedestrians to briefly lean back and take a load off. These resting bars can be used along with benches to offer multiple seating options or on their own in tight spaces or where loitering is discouraged. Subway stations are a great application for this unique product.

Picture of Labrobe Sign

Litter Receptacles

In transient areas where people are constantly coming and going, you are likely to have an accumulation of trash. Prevent excessive littering by installing bus stop trash cans and recycling receptacles. Litter receptacles need to be placed in waiting areas for subway stations, railroad terminals, bus stops, and any other transit location to accommodate the busy pedestrian traffic and the trash that comes with it. Choose different lid options and graphics to encourage proper usage.

Picture of Labrobe Sign

Picture of Labrobe Sign

Bike Racks

Reduce the amount of vehicular traffic in your city by encouraging many forms of alternative transportation. A comprehensive transit strategy should consider the needs of bicycle commuters. Installing bike racks at transit stops or nearby allows pedestrians to ride their bikes to the transit stations and other locations throughout the city. Bike racks offer clear designated places to park and lock up bikes.

Picture of Labrobe Sign

Picture of Labrobe Sign


Bus stop signage can help to provide information, wayfinding, advertising, or transit department branding. You can do this with freestanding signs or kiosks with printed graphics, or custom signage can be incorporated into furnishings for a unique way to combine the seating and signage needs.

Picture of Labrobe Sign

Site furniture does more than just offer places to sit while waiting for a bus or train. How transit areas and bus stops are furnished helps to send messages to the public that the provided transportation service is clean, safe, and informative and a practical alternative to driving. Make sure you have the right products installed at every transit location to maintain consistency, functionality, and aesthetics and to create welcoming stops to come and go.

